MYR 543.01

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.



Over 3 Years




The Story

Helloooo amazing peeps! My name is Li Min (you can call me Lemonn 🍋) from the Oil Town - Miri, Sarawak. Your future chemical engineer who aims to foster sustainable development and fight global warming. 👩🏻‍🔬👷🏻‍♀️

Food waste has been an ongoing issue in our world, however, the pandemic has shed light on the flaws in our food supply chains. This has created a disturbance in the food industry, resulting in a phenomenal amount of food waste. People suffering from acute hunger could double by the end of this year, whereas farmers and food producers deal with massive surpluses. Surplus food would inevitably end up in a landfill. In fact, burying the food scraps will add tons of carbon dioxide and methane (30x more potent than CO2) to the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. 😢

In order to avoid the mass production of methane gas, we have to reduce the number of food waste in the landfills. After all, household waste makes up a massive percentage of the trash that ends up in landfills. One of the major food waste present is waste cooking oil. As such, I would like to ask two questions:

What do you do with your leftover cooking oil? Where does it go?

When you dispose the cooking oil down the sinks or drains, it eventually solidifies and clogs the pipes. The discharge of waste cooking oil to the environment will cause environmental pollution particularly land and water, not to mention the increasing number of Master Chefs cooking at home during COVID-19. 👩🏻‍🍳🧑🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳

Hence, I strongly believe that this initiative could help in reducing the amount of waste oil going down our drains and providing insights to the community (i.e. B40 community) on how to upcycle the oil into household soaps! This is what we call killing two birds with one stone! 🙆🏻‍♀️

The funds collected will be used to:

(1) set up the collection area for the beneficiaries to collect used cooking oil, and

(2) purchase materials and tools for the beneficiaries to make soaps. 

I would like to contribute to this initiative - to curb food waste and cut landfilling, but alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! Just a small donation from you will help to accomplish the goals! 😇

I humbly ask you for your individual contribution by:

  • Sharing this post on your social media to raise awareness
  • Donating to support our cause and help our efforts 


❤️ Would you press the "donate" button for the community and our mother Earth? ❤️

MYR 543.01

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.



Over 3 Years




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Amount Donated

MYR 10.00

Anonymous Donor
All the Best!

Amount Donated

MYR 25.00

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 25.00

Zen Lee
With love!